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RopedHitchedandLassoed Page 21
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Page 21
She glanced down at him, brushed a lock of dark hair off his brow. He smiled in his sleep then rolled over on his side, aligning their bodies. Blue got up, shifted positions and burrowed under the covers, apparently content to share their body heat now that the fire had burned down to glowing embers.
Yes, maybe now was the time for her. Time to find the sort of happiness it seemed Jared had lucked into. Laying a hand over her flat belly, she wondered how it would feel to have a baby growing there.
“Who was that?” Matt asked, reaching for her and making sure she was under the comforter. “Brad?”
“Jared. He and Ninia are snowed in. So is Brad, but he has company at his place. Jared said he brought home the redhead he was playing with last night at the dungeon.”
From Matt’s tone, Diana guessed that surprised Matt. For a minute she wondered if he’d played scenes with this woman, too. “Have you…”
“No, sweetheart. Keely only plays with Brad as far as I know. And only at Roped and Lassoed. Brad’s been pushing her to go out with him ever since he came back from the summer rodeo circuit, but she’s kept on saying no. If they’re together at his place, my guess is she got marooned at the dungeon when the storm started rolling in. I doubt the rattletrap truck she drives would have made it back into Laramie.”
The way Matt stroked along her spine diverted her attention from what her brothers might be doing. “They’re probably doing what we’re doing now.”
“Probably.” She snuggled closer. Although Brad and Jared—Ninia, too—enjoyed the kinkier aspects of their lifestyle, Diana wasn’t much into sharing—or watching, which brought Jared and Ninia to the dungeon often. “Do you enjoy playing in the dungeon?”
Matt pulled her on top of him and laid a playful kiss on her nose. “Jealous?”
“Maybe just a little.”
“Don’t be. If you ask me, I’ll never go to Roped and Lassoed again. You’re plenty of woman for me.” He smiled up at her. “I only joined because I wanted to find out what turns you on, so that when you were ready, I’d be prepared. I needed to understand what made you want to be hurt.”
It had taken a year for the shrinks to figure that out, Diana thought wryly. And they’d done a piss-poor job. “It’s not that I want to be hurt, exactly. A little force goes a long way toward making me lose my inhibitions and…”
“And what? Get hot? Come? Tell me what you want me to do, and I’ll do it. Diana, tell me how you want me to master you.” It startled her, but he wouldn’t let her spook. “I learned how to play at Roped and Lassoed—just for you. We’ve shown I can play slave to you, that I’ll be anything you want. Why don’t I try being everything that you need? You’ll still have the control, honey. A true sub always does.”
His deep voice poured over her like honey, his words providing relief for wounds she hadn’t realized still festered. “Want to play switch? You have to tutor me at being your slave. I only learned to be a Dom.”
She gave him a playful jab in the ribs. “I don’t have any toys. Just what’s left of a torture chamber in the downstairs bedroom. I think there might be a St. Andrew’s Cross and a fucking table, nothing as fancy as what Brad has at the dungeon.” Diana hadn’t been in that room, hadn’t wanted to see it even though she knew Brad and Jared had stripped it of everything that wasn’t bolted to the floor or wall. “We’ll have to improvise.”
“From the look of the weather, we’re gonna be stuck here for days, so I had my housekeeper put in the backpack I take to the dungeon. I’ve got plenty of toys you can use on me. Meanwhile I need to feed you. Stay put. I’ll toss another log or two on the fire and then see what I can rustle up in your kitchen. Gotta keep our energy up.”
He slid out from under her and rose, magnificently naked. His fine muscles rippled when he picked up a log and laid it on the embers. Diana feasted her eyes on the gentle giant as he pulled on his jeans. “Come back up here soon, it’s cold.”
She didn’t want to be cold again, ever.
* * * * *
The door creaked as though no one had opened it for a long time. Matt stepped inside and clamped down the violent reaction that made him want to slam his fist through the stark dark gray walls. The bastard kept her here. Bars had obviously been torn out from the window frames, and the hardwood floor was scratched from where someone—probably Diana’s brothers—had dragged out other torture devices.
The equipment she’d mentioned—a heavy iron St. Andrew’s Cross and a solid looking wooden table bolted to the inside wall—was here. Nothing short of tearing the room apart would do it to get either of the bulky pieces out.
He wanted to scream. More than that, he wanted to torture the bastard she’d married, worse than he ever thought of abusing her. And he didn’t want to bring Diana in here to relive the nightmare that had been her life with Gareth Bender.
Matt forced himself to look more closely, ignoring the musty smell that came with long periods of disuse. He couldn’t believe she’d offered this as a playroom after all she must have endured here.
Then he reconsidered. Maybe… Maybe Diana needed to revisit this chamber of horrors, experience the lifestyle she obviously wasn’t ready to give up, with a man she trusted would never cause her harm. To exorcise the demons that had made her spend a year in rehab, and make new memories with him.
Hurrying so she wouldn’t wonder what he was doing, he took an incense burner and some sticks of incense off the living room mantel, lit it and set it on the table to freshen the smell. It didn’t help. In fact he thought the floral scent made the room stink worse. He thought about opening a
window just a little but changed his mind when he looked out and saw snow covering the lower half of the storm windows. There’d be no playing here. Not now. Not ever if he had anything to say about it.
In fact, if she gave him half a chance, he’d come back in here with Brad and Jared and get rid of all of it, even if it meant tearing out a wall to get it done. He’d turn it into a billiard room, or an office or entertainment center. Hell, if it would please Diana, he’d turn it into a fucking greenhouse. Something, anything that would banish what it had been from her mind. Forever.
Picking up the incense burner and extinguishing the flame, Matt closed the door as quietly as he could, set the burner back on the hearth and went to the kitchen. He raided the refrigerator and pantry to find some finger foods, and laid out apples, pears and two wedges of cheese. They went onto a tray with a roll of snack crackers and two bottles of spring water. Looking at the meager provisions that didn’t require heating, he hoped to hell they weren’t marooned here too long without electricity.
Blue hadn’t ventured down here since they’d gone upstairs last night. He had to be hungry and thirsty, too, so Matt grabbed his food and water bowls and balanced them on the edge of the tray.
They ate in front of the fire. “Did you check out the downstairs bedroom?” Diana looked half excited, half terrified, but she managed to keep her voice steady.
Matt wasn’t sure he could do the same. “It’s in no shape to use. If you want some hardcore dungeon play, we’ll go down to Roped and Lassoed once the highway department clears the roads. Meanwhile, you can try out some of my toys on me.”
He hoped he could persuade Brad to let them use the dungeon after hours, so no one would see him strapped up taking his punishment. “First, though, I think you need a good rubdown. Tell me where to find some lotion and then lie across the bed on your belly and let me do my magic.” He’d forgotten to make it a question. As a matter of fact it had sounded a lot more like a command.
But then he noticed, with a surge of quiet triumph, the flare of arousal in her eyes when she turned and obediently stretched out on the bed.
The feel of his callused hands kneading her back and shoulders practically made Diana come. By the time he finished taking care of her buttocks and thighs, she was purring louder than Blue.
“How does it feel?”
p; “Relaxing. Where’d you learn how to give massages?” She hated to think of some faceless lover teaching him.
He laughed. “Probably because I’ve had trainers rub me down so often over the years. Hard games tend to leave guys, particularly ones as old as I was before I retired, with cramping muscles as well as the usual bumps and bruises. Roll over on your back and I’ll do the other side.”
When he gently kneaded her breasts, his breathing became ragged. She was sure he noticed how her nipples hardened, how she couldn’t quite keep from squirming beneath his hands. For a minute it brought back memories of cruel clamps, a chain between them being tugged on. That had hurt so much, she hadn’t wanted anyone to touch her there for a long time. But she wanted him to keep moving in that circular pattern, wiping out the painful history and making new, delicious memories to replace them. When he moved lower, his warm hands on her belly got her hot, so hot she could barely stop herself from begging for his cock.
She opened her legs. Touch me, please. Make me come. It felt so good when he tangled his fingers in her pubic curls, better when he slid a finger between her labia and found her clit. But she wanted more. She wanted to get him as frantic as she was, break the iron control that kept him from mounting her and claiming her pussy, her ass, whatever orifice would give him pleasure. But she didn’t want to order him to do it.
Tonight she wanted to be his sub, not a Domme bent on torturing her lover. He slid up her body, taking her mouth. He tasted like the pear he just ate, and the sweet scent stayed on his breath.
“I want…”
“Say it, sweetheart.” His tone was so gentle, she couldn’t be afraid. He took her hands and brought them to his lips. “Don’t be shy.”
“I want you to take me. All of me.”
“Not quite all. I’d love to eat your sweet cunt while you suck my cock, and I’d die to come in you the way I did this morning. I’d never ask you to take my cock in your—”
He hesitated, and she thought she saw the hint of a blush on his tanned cheeks. “Your ass. I’d hurt you.”
Causing her pain had never bothered Gareth. He’d hurt her often in many ways, much worse than when he’d used her ass. After a while she’d begun to like it, or at least the vibrator he’d often put there while he was using her pussy. “I wouldn’t mind.”
Matt dragged her hands down and made her curl them around his cock. “Yes you would. This is the downside of being too damn big. If I tried to stuff myself up your ass, I’d split you apart. I even have to be careful when I fuck your hot little cunt.” He raised her hands, setting them on her shoulders so he could look her in the eye. “If you like anal sex, you’ll have to settle for a dildo. One that’s less than half as big as I am. I think I’ve got one with my toys.”
At that moment Diana knew she loved him. “All right. I guess we’ll have to pass on that,” she said with a nervous laugh. “Funny. Your oversize equipment fits just fine where it’s supposed to go. You know, I came this morning for the first time without someone hurting me. Really hurting me. Not the little twinge like I felt when you first slid inside me.”
“Then how about we see if we can do it again, with me being a little freer about loving you all over?” He smiled, as though he remembered how fast her nipples responded when he massaged her.
“No clamps!” she said before she could hold back the words. “Relax, hon. I don’t even own a pair. Relax. We’re stuck here for several days without TV or movies or video games. How about letting me see how many times I can bring you to climax without damaging your beautiful body?”
His grin was contagious, so contagious she threw her arms around his massive neck and kissed him full on the mouth. With that, he knelt between her legs and joined their bodies. Again, no force. No kink. Vanilla sex, this time in missionary position.
But it didn’t feel vanilla. Not at all. Her whole body tingled when he stroked her belly, her breasts, when he lifted her ass and altered the position of his penetration.
Sweet words of love, dark ones of desire filled her ears and her heart.
He stretched her, made her pussy contract around his cock with every careful stroke. “Can you feel me touching your womb?” he whispered, still now that he’d fully penetrated her. His heavy testicles lay tight and taut against her ass.
“God yes.” She was closer now to coming than she’d been after taking an hour’s torture on the fucking table with her ex. Her nipples beaded up against Matt’s hard chest, as sensitive as if they’d been restrained in clamps.
When Matt framed her face between his big hands and took her mouth, she came, squirming against him, wanting less gentle, more…”Fuck me, hard. Shove your cock all the way to my throat,” she rasped out when he came up for air.
He did. It felt…there weren’t words to describe such incredibly delicious sensations. “God, yes. Don’t stop.”
She’d hardly gotten the words out before she contracted around him, digging her fingernails into his shoulders as waves of ecstasy coursed through her once again.
Laughing, he lifted her, keeping their bodies joined as he maneuvered them into a sitting position. “I want you to do that again,” he commanded, balancing her on his left hand and fitting a long finger up her ass while he bent and sucked first one nipple then the other.
She felt conquered. Mastered. With none of the pain she’d been so sure had to happen for her to climax. “Now. Come again for me, honey. I’m about to—”
“God yes. Please come inside me.” The staccato bursts of his hot seed against her womb triggered another series of incredible sensations that radiated from him to her. Damned if she didn’t come three more times before he began to soften inside her and collapsed, rolling her on top of him but keeping their sweaty bodies joined. It might have been her imagination, but she thought their hearts were beating in unison.
Chapter Six
For the next three days their routine was much the same. Every morning they got up, took an icy shower, grazed on fruits and staples from Diana’s kitchen, fed Blue and went back to bed. Afternoon was the same, except that on the third and fourth days they ventured outside to check on the wranglers and the stock in the big, thankfully gas-heated barn and got their first hot grub since the day the storm had blown in.
Diana noted that all was well, even the newly made steer who’d gone loco before the blizzard had rolled in. He seemed docile enough now. As Doc Johnson had said, a bull calf always calmed down once he lost his testicles. She checked on the paint pony who’d gotten the worst of their encounter, then ladled some chili into a big bowl to take in the house for herself and Matt.
When they went inside on the fourth day, she heard her phone ringing. “They must have fixed the cell tower,” Matt said as he handed the phone over.
“Oh my God!” Matt shot her a questioning look when she practically screamed at whoever was talking to her. “Of course I want to go. Wait, let me ask Matt.”
“What’s wrong?” He caught her by the chin and made her look at him. “Come on, it won’t help to hold it inside. Tell me what’s wrong.”
She brought the phone back to her ear. “Hold on, Jared. Don’t hang up.” She set the phone down and looked back at Matt. “It’s good news. Nothing awful. Brad and Keely are getting married. The road’s clear enough now that we can get over to the airstrip, and Jared’s flying us all down to Denver for the wedding. I’m not about to miss my brother’s wedding. Will you go with us?”
“If I can sleep with you in a warm, dry bed, sure. How long are we going to be there?”
Diana asked Jared then turned back to Matt. “Over the weekend. We’ll be coming back after the wedding.” When she named one of Denver’s most luxurious hotels where Brad had apparently reserved a penthouse suite, Matt whistled.
After telling Jared they could be over at the airstrip in about an hour, Diana set the phone down and looked at Matt. “I imagine there’ll be some BDSM games.”
He figured she was right about that. Brad and
Keely seemed to eat up kinky sex, watching and playing Master/slave games while being observed. Matt recalled one night when they’d worked every piece of apparatus, trying new positions, playing with a large variety of sex toys. The handful of members watching the show had been silent, as if they were eating up the act. At the time he’d wondered if there was any act too brazen for Brad and Keely to try.
Jared occasionally indulged his totally submissive wife with rough yet loving club scenes that usually featured Japanese rope bondage in one form or another, along with the skillful application of the cat-o’-nine. “Whatever it takes to keep my slave happy,” Jared had said a while back when Matt had questioned him about how it felt to let a roomful of observers watch while he played so roughly with his wife.
Compared with Diana’s brothers, Matt’s repertoire of BDSM play was damn near vanilla, and he’d never gotten comfortable taking part in group scenes. What he’d done, when he thought about it, was limited pretty much to restraining his partners and arousing them until they begged for release. Sure, he could use the cat, and he’d played some with toys. He wasn’t big, however, on the club scene. Oh well, he could always hope this weekend in Denver would be monogamous in celebration of Brad’s wedding.
“What do I need to bring with me?” he asked, pulling back on cold weather gear to take the snowmobile up to his place.
“Just yourself and some shaving gear. Hopefully the hotel will have hot water,” Diana replied as she dug a few things from her closet and put them in a small garment bag. “I doubt if Brad will do this up formal, but if he does you can always go buy a suit. I’m sure that’s what he’ll do.”
“Brad might be able to find a suit off the rack, although I doubt it. But I have to have my dress clothes custom made.” Matt nuzzled her neck, sent shivers of anticipation down her spine. “I’m way beyond a ‘long’, according to the suit manufacturers.”